


Without a doubt, knowing Jesus Christ and the love that he had for us is the most important thing anyone can know or receive. It is more important than life itself.

So if you don’t know who Jesus Christ is or what salvation in Jesus Christ means, then we’re glad you’re here because you came to the right place. The love of God to mankind is what Christianity is all about. One of the most popular scriptures in all of the Bible and the world, John 3:16, describes what it is all about. You may refer to the headings to the right of this paragraph to read all about it.

The first phrase of John 3:16 says "for God so loved the world." Just pause for a second and take that phrase in. The God who created everything we have ever known, visible and invisible, actually loved the world. Even with all of the divorce, rape, murder and suicide rates that exists the Lord still demonstrated His love to this world. Another very important fact about that phrase is that God loves everyone. It doesn't matter what background a person has or what country they were born in. God can save anybody.

The next phrase says "that He sent His only begotten Son." Salvation is not found in reciting a catechism, praying the Rosary, or attending a church. It's about Jesus. It's about who He is and what He's done. Jesus Christ is the founder and the central focus of Christianity. His death, burial and resurrection changed the course of human history and became the cornerstone of the Christian faith. And by dying on the cross, the Lord has made Jesus Christ the Lord of heaven and earth. That means he has all authority and power over all peoples, lands, governments, time, space, and matter. He runs the universe.

John 3:16 also says "that whoever believes in Him." Believing in Him does not just include believing that Jesus Christ existed. It means that you must believe that He is God and He has all authority and power. The word believe means to place your faith in something or someone. So this scripture means that Jesus Christ must become your God. Your trust, dependence, beliefs, worldview, and decision making must all be defined by what He says.

The last phrase of John 3:16 states that we shall not perish but have everlasting life. This is why a relationship with the Lord is so important. As Christians, we do not only live forever in eternity. Jesus Christ gives us an abundance of life on earth here and now. He gives us a reason to live. We do not just merely exist and go through our daily routine. We have eternal life here and now.

Prayer of Salvation

So if you seriously want to believe on Jesus Christ and begin a relationship with Him, pray this prayer: “Jesus Christ, I recognize that I am a sinner deserving of death. I believe that you came down and lived and died for the sins of the world and now you live today and forevermore. I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for your love. In Jesus name, Amen.”

So What's Next?

When a person prays the prayer of salvation, that is just the beginning of their new life in Christ. They may be born again, but they still live in a world that can care less about the things of God. So in order to keep that passion alive and grow from being a baby to becoming a adolescent and then a full grown adult in Christ, their are a few steps that you should put in place. Here is what we recommend:

1. Look up a biblical devotional that explains the precious truths of the Word of God and read it everyday.

The Bible is the most important document on the face of the planet. It has changed more lives than any other document in world history. And it will change your life if you allow it to. The Word is also important because it helps us to filter out all of the filthiness and foolishness that exists in the world today. Do whatever you have to do to meditate in it everyday.

2. Spend a few minutes talking to God everyday in prayer.

Spending time in prayer is important because it is a weapon and a privilege. Prayer is not just some little nursery rhyme that we repeat to the Lord. Prayer literally has power. Also, the Lord wants us to develop a vibrant prayer life so that we don’t wait until an emergency happens for us to seek Him. The Lord wants prayer to be our first option, not our last resort.

3. Feed your spirit with praise and worship.

If you are going to grow in your relationship with the Lord, one area of your life that has to be taken seriously is the music that you allow yourself to listen to. The devil uses music to promote his message of lust, lawlessness, fornication etc. and it’s not going to stop anytime soon. So you must become someone who disciplines your mind by listening to praise and worship at least.

4. Think about a church that you can use your gifts at and start serving the Lord.

The Lord doesn’t just save individuals just so that they can receive a free ticket to heaven. His Word states that He wants us to feed the poor, clothe the naked, share the gospel and so much more. Unfortunately, so many individuals who join churches approach it as though attending church is just a spectator sport. Jesus Christ saves us so that we can get involved, not just so that we can sit and watch everyone else do the work of ministry. You might have a passion for evangelism, engineering, administration, logistics or something else. The Lord wants his church to be like heaven on earth.

We Want To Hear From You

Finally, if you prayed the prayer of salvation, we want to hear from you. We want to know who you are and why you decided to accept Christ as your Savior. Go to the Contact Us page and send us a message. God bless you. May the love of God keep you in Jesus name.